Wednesday, September 29, 2010

CHAPTER 9:The Hunger Games

1. Describe Katniss’ interview attire and training? What affect do you think it had on the audience?
Katniss' attire was a dress completely covered in precious gems, red, yellow, and white with bits of blue. Katniss' training was tough because Haymitch didn't know how to describe Katniss even though he asked her fifty questions.The affect that i think that affected the audience was that Katniss didn't know what to say because she was nervous. Katinss was stage frightened because there was a lot of people. 

2. How does Haymitch and Cinna ask Katniss to behave?
Haymitch tells Katniss to lie. Cinna tells Katniss to be herself and try to tell the truth.Cinna also tellsKatniss even though she says a lie the truth is horrible just try it.
3. What do we discover about Peeta during his interview?
We discover that Peeta had a crush on Katniss ever since he met her.
Important Quotes (4 minimum)
1."I have dinner that night in my bedroom...and then taking out my anger at Haymitch, at The Hunger Games, at every living thing in the capitol." page # 118
2."Effie can be tiresome and clueless, but she's not destructive like Haymitch." page # 123
3."He's friendly, tries to set the nervous ones at ease, laughs at lame jokes, and can turn a weak response into a memorable one by the way he reacts." page # 125
4."Winning...won't help in my case...because...because she came here with me." page # 130

1. Describe Katniss’ interview attire and training? What affect do you think it had on the audience?
Katniss' attire was a dress completely covered in precious gems, red, yellow, and white with bits of blue. Katniss' training was tough because Haymitch didn't know how to describe Katniss even though he asked her fifty questions.The affect that i think that affected the audience was that Katniss didn't know what to say because she was nervous. Katinss was stage frightened because there was a lot of people.

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