Saturday, September 11, 2010


1. Describe District 12.

District 12 is a high chain-link fence that has barbed-wire loops on the top. The part of district 12 that the family has nicknamed Seam. It usually has coal miners everywhere. It's supposed  to be electrified 24 hours a day but they are lucky to at least get only 2 or 3 hours of electricity a day.  And it is usually safe to touch.

2. What illegal activity does Katniss participate in doing? Why does she need to do this?

She hunts in the woods to provide her family with food.  She has to go hunt because her father died and she has to support her family.   

3. Describe the relationship between Gale and Katniss. Do you have a relationship like this in your own life? Explain.

Their relationship is good at times but sometimes they have their ups and downs. And yes I do have this relationship with my sister. And sometimes I have this relationship with one of my best friends.

4. How is Madge different from Katniss and Gale?

Madge is the mayors’ daughter. She always has something to eat and she doesn’t have to provide food for other people like they do. So she kind of has it easy.

5. What is the reaping? Do you think this practice is fair? Explain.

The reaping is the people who conquered district 12 who practice killing people so that the district won’t rebel. Yes I do think it’s fair because they are standing up for what they know.

6. Who is selected at the reaping?

Kantiss’s sister was selected for the reaping. Her name is Prim.

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