1. What is Katniss struggling to find?
Katniss is struggling to find water .She thinks the only water source is the one were she started.Katniss get so tiered that she falls and when she does she feels mud.That is when she found something to drink because she found a pond.
2. In what ways is Katniss “playing the game”?
Katniss is hiding in the trees like camouflageing herself.And Katniss does this so she can sleep to rest up.She is going the opposite direction of where the career tributes are.she is staying away from the gamemakers trick to get tributes together.Finding food and how to cook it is like traping bunnies.
3. Why doesn’t Haymitch send Katniss water?
Haymitch doesn't send water because he knows katniss was close to a water sorce.She did she found a pond filled with lilies and fish.Haymitch knows what he is doing so he didnt send the water.Katniss had to wait and put something in the water to be able to drink it.
Important Quotes (4 minimum)
page #
"This teaming up with the career wolf pack to hunt down the rest of us."pg.161
"the simpleminded girl taken seriously because of her eleven"pg.163
"I see the picture of the girl ,who was apparenty from district 8.the one peeta went back to finish off."pg.167 :)
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